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These are the five videos that the founder has handpicked from the youtube and this video kinds of gives you a peep into what really is data sciences. Some of the videos go on to tell your about the difference between data sciences and data analysts  about and where does it comes handy. have picked.

These are the five videos that I have picked.

The first video kinds of tells you as to what you should not be a data scientist. The second video kinds of tell you the difference between the data analyst and the data scientist. The third video tells you the kinds of statsitical tools that are used in the data scientist. This video is very important and this kinds of. The fourth video by John List, who has worked as the chief economist with Uber goes on to give a decription of why the skillset of causality would be 

Yes, the title of the video is self-explanatory. Watch this video if you want to know the reasons as to why you should not be a data scientist. Even a school student will be able to relate to the content of this video and will know, for sure, whether he/she should aspire to become a data scientist.

Very often, and it is undertsandable, people get confused as to what is the difference between Data Scientist and Data Analyst. This video covers this quite well. The skill and knowledge set required to be a data scientist is not only more broader but is more deeper especially in the area of mathematics and statistics.

By now, you are familiar that statistics is one aspect of data science. What exactly is statistics is covered quite exhaustively in this video. Watch this video from start to finish to be able to get a sense of the statistics rigor that is needed in order to be abe to master the data sciene toolkit.

John List is one of the renowned economist globally. This short video gives an insight as to how companies are going to generate tons of data and that data is going to require the use of professionals who can understand the business problem and then use their knowledge of the data science toolkit to be able to come up with optimum solutions to those problems that have been identified and in the process contributing to the success of the business. The founder has a blog post on this and the founder, as a economist, gives his take into what is exactly happening in the Indian labor market. 

Joshua Angrist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in the year 2021, gives a very succint account as to how economterics is the original data science. I would recomment everyone to watch this video completely in order to get a sense of  

John List is one of the renowned economist globally. This short video gives an insight as to how companies are going to generate tons of data and that data is going to require the use of professionals who can understand the business problem and then use their knowledge of the data science toolkit to be able to come up with optimum solutions to those problems that have been identified and in the process contributing to the success of the business. The founder has a blog post on this and the founder, as a economist, gives his take into what is exactly happening in the Indian labor market. 

The tools for causal inference developed by  he [Guido Imbens] and his colleagues have developed have helped to ignite an empirical revolution in the social sciences, fueled by the vast amounts of data that are now available. An excellent write up, covering both the historical grounds and the conceptual is available on the official website of the Nobel Prize. The link to the paper is here.

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