There are 10 pointers that the founder would like to draw your attention to as you go through the course modules for both Applied Linear Regression Course and Allied Time Series Analysis and as you decide to register for the courses. Read them carefully. The 10 points after giving a lot of thought.
The intention is just so that anyone that enrolls gets the best return on their time, effort and investment that they make with the courses.
Data science is a technical skill. Therefore, the approch is to make the learning proces a classic hands-on training. Advance technical skills can only grasped fully if it is done the classic way.
The foundation, and I will stress this point, to the machine learning algorithm is the linear modelling. Listening to the podcast with both industry professionals and academicians you should get a sense of how important it is to understand linearity.

Each batch will be limited to 15 students. Eventually, I want the best learning outcome, at the end of each lecture, as a team together.Bring your laptops to the class. After every concept and idea, the same will be executed it using real-world data.

Do not get caught up in the many different array of software packages out there. They are just tools, like the knives, shown below, nothing more, to execute the critical thinking behind the models. The idea that you will implement will stand out from the herd. Consequently, the inference that you will be able to derive thereupon. Always remember, data has a story to tell. Learn to become an exceptional storyteller.

There would be two classes in a week. Utilize those gaps in days to go through the lecture notes and what has been taught as many times as possible. Maintain a separate register for this. The concepts and ideas in each module will be built on top on the concepts and ideas of the last module. We must understand the mathematics fully because they will be the basis on which we will develop more mathematically challenging ideas.

I will always be approachable inside the academy to clarify your doubts, confusion, and queries. This being said, I would encourage any student to ask with the silliest of doubt possible.

Before we start each course, I will make sure that you understand the basic mathematics that will be used in algebra in both the Linear Regression and Time Series Econometrics. The algebra in both linear regression and time might seem challenging, at first, and that is why you all need to brush up on your class 12th derivatives and linear algebra.

The entire edifice on which the two courses have been structured is a step-by-step process. The logic behind the mathematics might be challening, at first, but you will gradually get used to it. Be determined to challenge yourself mentally in order to absorb the logic of each and every idea. On the other side of this is the possibility that you would have challenged the limits of how you think and, consequently, will broaden your ability to think critically through issues.

The Linear Regression course is the foundation for all the other advanced courses. I would encourage anyone to, firstly, go through the linear regression course which is traditional econometrics and then enroll to time series course. We have all heard the proverb “A Half Knowledge Is a Dangerous Thing”, Haven’t we? The taller the structure, the more solid has to be the foundation. Become a Burj Khalifa.

At appropriate stages after every module, I will give you industry cases to work upon. I might even give you research papers too. These cases will bring together a lot of skills. These cases will involve econometric modelling but that is not the point of it. Understanding the problem, first, is the most importnat step. Secondly, coming up with the right questions is when you will need to showcase your ability to think critically about the problem. Just merely running models is an exercise in futility.

This course will help you develop your ability to translate what data has to say in your own words. I will give you the tools to develop such skills. By the end of the course module, the students would have instilled in themselves a knack for being able to think critically and then convey their minds around the problem or question that they have identified. Skill-building is always a work in progress. this is the best investment you would make in yourself. Become a Grandmaster.