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Regression analysis is a technique for using data to identify relationships among variables and use these relationships to make predictions. We will be studying linear regression, in which we assume that the outcome we are predicting depends linearly on the information used to make the prediction. Most economic forecasts are based on regression models. The methods used are more advanced than what we cover, but we can consider a simplified version. Consider the problem of predicting growth of the economy in the next quarter. Some of the relevant factors in such a prediction might be last quarter’s growth, this quarter’s growth, the index of leading economic indicators, total factory orders this quarter, aggregate wholesale inventory levels, etc.

The dropbox folder contains exercises, research papers and industry cases that will be covered in linear regression.



                     is a coding software for statistical computing.  Download here.

                    is a free, open-source, software. Download here.         


I have a blog titled review of different softwre packages

Module 0:  An Introduction to Linear Regression Course

Module 1:  Basics of Data, Variable and Distribution

Module 2:  Basics Handling of Data

Module 3:  Basic Framework of the Simple Linear Regression

Module 4:  Basics of the OLS Estimators

Module 5:  Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Interval

Module 6:  Basic Framework of The Multiple Linear Regression Model

Module 7:  Hypothesis Testing in The Multiple Regression

Module 8:  Multicollinearity

Module 9:  Detection of Multicollinearity

Module 10:  Heteroskedasticity

Module 11:  Formal Tests for Detecting Heteroskedasticity

Module 12:  Resolving Heteroskedasticity

Module 13:  Basic Framework of Autocorrelation or Serial correlation

Module 14: Detecting the Presence of Autocorrelation

Module 15:  Resolving the Presence of Autocorrelation

Module 16:  Misspecification: Wrong Regressors

Module 17:  Misspecification: Wrong Functional Forms

Module 18:  Misspecification: Tests for Misspecification

Module 19:  Dummy Variables

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