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Factor Analysis is a method for modeling observed variables, and their covariance structure, in terms of a smaller number of underlying unobservable (latent) “factors.” The factors typically are viewed as broad concepts or ideas that may describe an observed phenomenon. For example, a basic desire of obtaining a certain social level might explain most consumption behavior. These unobserved factors are more interesting to the social scientist than the observed quantitative measurements. The method is similar to principal components although, as the textbook points out, factor analysis is more elaborate. In one sense, factor analysis is an inversion of principal components. In factor analysis we model the observed variables as linear functions of the “factors.” In principal components, we create new variables that are linear combinations of the observed variables.  

The dropbox folder contains exercises, research papers and industry cases that will be covered in linear regression.




                  is a coding software for statistical computing.                               Download here.

                   is a free, open-source, software.

                   Download here.

I have a blog titled review of different softwre packages

Module 0:  An Introduction to Factor Analysis and Modelling

Module 1:  An Introduction to Factor Models - Part 1

Module 2:  An Introduction to Factor Models - Part 2

Module 3:  An Introduction to Kalman Filter

Module 4:  An Introduction to Kalman Filter

Module 5: An Introduction to SW Approach - PCA

Module 6: An Introduction to SW Approach - Choice of r

Module 7: An Introduction to FHLR Approach - DPCA

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